Unveiling Animal Telepathy: Conversations Beyond Words with Your Beloved Pets

Unveiling Animal Telepathy: Conversations Beyond Words with Your Beloved Pets

What if you could talk to your pet? What would they say?

Imagine being able to have a conversation with your pet! You could ask them about their day, their thoughts and feelings. You could tell them how much you love them and how much they mean to you.

You may be wondering if it is possible in reality. The truth is, it is possible through Animal telepathy: the ability to communicate with animals through thought.

Animal telepathy is the ability to communicate with animals telepathically, or through thought. It is a form of extrasensory perception (ESP) that allows humans to receive and send thoughts and images to animals. One theory behind this is that animals and humans share a common energy field, and that telepathy is simply a way of communicating through this field. Another theory is that animals and humans have a shared consciousness and that telepathy is simply a way of tapping into this consciousness.

NOTE: Animal communication is a complementary approach and should not replace traditional veterinary care or professional training.

Collaboration with veterinarians and other animal care professionals is essential for the animal’s well-being.

I am Sakshi Gupta, I’ve been practising animal communication and hypnotism for over 4 years, so here’s my take on this!

Before we go on with this article, I would like you to read this: Mama, ich bin traurig, ich möchte eine Belohnung.

Did you understand the sentence? I guess not, and that’s how an animal feels when we try to talk to them. While you can use Google Translate to decipher what the above sentence means, an animal communicator acts as a translator or a medium to talk and understand the animal’s thoughts.

I often come across the question, ” What can an animal communicator do? How can a person using this method help an animal ?”

As an animal communicator, most of my clients approach me with issues related to their pet’s behaviour. I help find the reason behind any kind of aggression, anxiety, biting, fear or any odd behaviour by a pet. An animal communicator works just as a therapist does. Just like humans, animals also have an extended variety of emotions and need an outlet. Communicating with an animal communicator gives the pet a different perspective and helps change their disturbing behaviour.

There are several other instances in which a communicator can help or extend support like lost animal cases, after-life communication, adoption processes, physical disability- guidance, animal abuse, etc,…

The main job of an animal communicator is to act as a medium between the pet and their human companion, to hear and convey the animal’s perspective to them, assess an animal’s comfort and environment for their well-being, and provide emotional support and guidance to pet owners.

Another question I often get asked is “ Does my pet talk to me? Can everyone talk to animals?”

Well, yes and yes!

Animals do communicate and every pet has its own way of communicating. It is on us as parents to understand what they’re trying to say. They give us verbal and non-verbal cues such as jumping, barking, crying, etc. We need to develop a good rapport and understanding with our pets to understand these cues.

And I would like to tell all pet parents that anybody can become an animal communicator with the right training and practice. We just need to put in an effort and of course, have a liking towards animals.

Connect with me on LinkedIn @ https://www.linkedin.com/in/sakshi-k-gupta-861506285

Or contact: 8217608756

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